
Steps in the RTW process Actions (ANGLAIS)

Time off and recovery period

1. Inform the occupational health and safety department (or the person responsible for managing the absence) of the worker’s absence and of any special conditions (e.g., labour conflict, productivity, recurrent absenteeism.

2. In the case of a work accident, ensure the safety of the site and verify the need for intervention with other workers of the team or of the organization. Investigate and analyse the accidental event to inform RTW solution planning and prevent its occurrence in other workers.

3. Based on the analysis conducted since the employee’s departure, initiate a reflection on the solutions and changes that could be proposed to the employee during the RTW.

4. In any situation that involves the manager, or that is beyond his/her authority, obtain the support of the absence management department.

5. In collaboration with the occupational health and safety department (or the department/person responsible for the organization), undertake an analysis of the work environment factors that could be related to the worker’s sick leave, while respecting the confidentiality of his/her medical information.

6. Suggest tasks that the treating physician could prescribe to the worker. Note specific to the Quebec context: Give the worker the temporary assignment form to be approved by the attending physician.

First contact with the worker by the workplace

To the worker:

7. If the worker agrees to maintain contact during his/her sick leave, confirm with him/her which types of communication should be prioritized (means of communication, frequency).

8. Be supportive of the worker and remind him/her that his/her health is important to you and to the team and organization as a whole. Take an interest in his/her health without being intrusive, asking open rather than closed questions.

9. Check if the worker has any questions or concerns about the process and take the time to discuss them with him/her.

10. Verify what information the worker would like to receive about the organization during his/her absence (e.g., changes in the organization).

11. Remind the worker that he/she will be accompanied throughout his/her RTW process by different actors.

12. Tracking recovery.

13. Reassure the worker about the employment link and his/her position.

14. Inform the worker of the supporting documents relating to his/her absence from work that he needs to provide, as well as of the services that are available to him/her (e.g. Employee Assistance Program).


To the co-workers:

15. Inform team members of the worker’s absence while respecting the confidentiality of his/her personal information ‡.

16. Listen to the team members’ concerns and needs related to the impact of the worker’s sick leave.

17. When the worker is replaced, inform clients of the change in contact person, clarify the roles and responsibilities of co-workers in relation to the replacement person and ensure that the replacement person is well integrated into the team.

18. If the worker is not being replaced and his/her duties are to be divided among co-workers, consult, to the extent possible, with the individuals involved on what duties they would like to perform or not.

Évaluation du travailleur (capacités) et de son travail (exigences)

19. Décrire les tâches de travail du travailleur.

20. Identifier les exigences du poste (au niveau physique, cognitif et émotionnel).

21. Évaluer les tâches du travailleur en communiquant avec les cliniciens en réadaptation.

22. Conformément à la décision qui a été prise dans la phase précédente, contacter le travailleur – pour voir comment il va. L’écouter, s’intéresser à son état de santé sans être intrusif, poser des questions ouvertes plutôt que des questions fermées.

23. Identifier les obstacles éventuels au RT en collaboration avec le travailleur et les autres parties prenantes (p. ex., collègues).

Development of a RTW plan with workplace accommodations.

24. Adopt an empathetic and receptive attitude towards the worker in order to propose a plan appropriate to his/her condition.

25. Implement the RTW solution with workplace accommodations upon acceptance by all stakeholders.

26. Following the reorganization of the workload (redistribution of tasks or replacement), be attentive to the work climate and to the health status of the other team members. If necessary, take corrective actions.

27. Inform team members of the worker’s RTW process (i.e., disability extension, work accommodations, gradual RTW, regular RTW) while respecting the confidentiality of medical information.

28. Evaluate with the worker and the organization’s occupational health and safety department (or the department/person responsible) the possibility of implementing work accommodations.

29. Ask the worker how he wishes to be welcomed by his/her colleagues and agree with him/her on the information that will be shared with them.

30. Prepare the terms of the RTW plan with the worker and take into consideration the legal/medical/organizational obligations in cooperation with the various stakeholders involved in the process.

31. Remind team members that the RTW of the worker on sick leave is part of the recovery process and that they have a role to play in the success of his/her reintegration.

32. Organize/participate in the RTW preparation meetings with the worker and the other stakeholders concerned (e.g., health care professional).


Note: The meeting with the manager can sometimes be a source of stress for the worker. In order to promote effective communication between the worker and his/her manager (or other person designated by the worker), we suggest the tool entitled “Planning the reintegration into the workplace”, Appendix 4.F. This process can be facilitated by the support of the union representative


Work resumption (day 1)

33. Ensure that you will be available to greet the worker on the first day of his/her RTW. In case of force majeure, designate someone to welcome him/her, and inform this person of the elements agreed in the RTW plan.

34. Reassure the worker and remind him/her of his/her belonging to the team and the organization

Divide the tasks.

35. Adjust work requirements daily to reflect changes in the worker’s existing abilities.

36. Reduce pressure and expectations on the worker during the RTW process.

37. Prepare co-workers for the worker’s RTW, ensure that they adopt an empathetic attitude and discuss discrimination.

38. Implement the elements of the work reintegration plan (e.g., production expectation, assistance from co-workers, etc.).

39. Meet with the worker to assess the progress of his/her RTW and make adjustments, if necessary.

40. Remain vigilant with colleagues to identify discomfort and frustration, if any.

41. If applicable, designate a colleague who will guide and support the worker during the first few days of his/her RTW.

43. Ensure that the work environment of the worker is appropriate (e.g., interpersonal relationships, workload, flexibility, workspace – workstation and environment, computer access, telephone, etc.).

Follow-up of the RTW

44. Encourage maintenance of RTW in healthy conditions for the worker and provide feedback.

45. Meet periodically with the worker to discuss the progress of their RTW (the times for these meetings should have been planned). Adjust work accommodations if necessary.

46. Encourage the worker to identify the obstacles he faces when returning to work, and encourage him/her to raise the issue with the relevant stakeholders (e.g., health care professional) when necessary.

47.Ensure that the conditions in the RTW plan are adjusted, maintained or changed. To avoid ambiguity in the tasks to be performed, it is recommended that:

  • Determine, on a regular basis and in writing, the tasks to be carried out and the deadlines to be met
  • Adjust production expectations of the employee
  • Validate with co-workers whether the work accommodations have an impact on the team’s functioning
  • Remain alert to signs or manifestations of discomfort on the part of the worker and his/her co-workers

48. Communicate with team members regarding the evolution of work accommodations required for the worker and possible impacts on the team.

49. Be attentive to the worker’s evolution and progress, notably in terms of occupational health and productivity (or efficiency), and communicate any issues with the designated representative of the organization’s occupational health and safety department (or the department/person responsible).

50.† Maintain knowledge and skills relating to potential relapses following a common mental disorder.