Appendix 4.K – Communication vignette between RTW actors

Are you looking to implement optimal practices in your organization?

The following is an example of communication between actors (concerted action) to facilitate the six stages of the RTW process and the implementation of principles for healthy and sustainable RTW.

Legend: Insurer = Insurer; RTWCoord = RTW coordinator; AttPhys = attending physician; HealthProf = health professionals; UnionRep: union representative HR = human resources; ImSuperv = immediate supervisor; W = worker

Actions/actors by RTW stages


0. Reporting the incident to the employer, if applicable

T→ RH or      ImSuperv

Immediately notify the workplace in the event of physical or psychological harm.

1. Time off and recovery period

Actors Content of the communication

AttPhys →W

Prescribe time off work and specialized care, if necessary.

W → RH or ImSuperv

Notify the workplace as soon as possible of the work stoppage and the reason for it.

W → UnionRep

Learn about your rights or better understand the RTW process.

HR → RTWCoord*

Notify the worker of the situation (implementation of the process within the organization).

RH / RTWCoord → W

Communication by letter:

  • Explain the general process
  • Provide the name and contact information of the contact person

Insurer → W

Inform the worker of the insurance plan and the services available

W→ HealthProf

As recommended by the attending physician.

2.Initial communication with the worker by the workplace

Communication objective: social support and information gathering to start the RTW process. It is important to respect the worker’s recovery period and the treating physician’s recommendations.

RTWCoord → W

Telephone communication:

  • Explain the RTW process in more detail, including the roles of the actors involved
  • Ask the worker what other people in the organization (immediate supervisor, union representative, co-workers) can call him/her during his/her absence
  • Schedule an assessment meeting, with or without the worker, depending on the nature of the information he or she is willing to disclose.
  • Advise that the information disclosed will only be used to determine appropriate workplace accommodations.

3. Assessment of the worker (work capacity) and his/her work (job demands)

Communication objective: To provide an overview of the situation

HealthProf and Ergonomist → W

  • Assess and discuss the worker’s capacity (HealthProf).
  • RTWCoord → W Assess and discuss job demands.

RTWCoord → W

Evaluate, by interview, the possible levers and obstacles related to the worker’s health and return. The coordinator will then communicate these elements to the relevant actors.

RTWCoord → all actors

Schedule a face-to-face meeting to assess and discuss the job demands.

HealthProf and Ergonomist → AttPhys

Transmit the results of their evaluations.

AttPhys → W

Prescribe a partial or full return to work, when deemed appropriate.

W → RTWCoord, RH or ImSuperv

Inform of the date of the RTW.

HR → Insurer

Inform of RTW; Discuss income replacement benefits and other services to be put in place, if applicable.

4. Development of the RTW plan with workplace accommodations


Communication objective: To gather all the information needed to develop a RTW plan and mobilize the resources required for its implementation.

RTWCoord → all

Communicate with all actors (workplace, health care, worker) to prepare the RTW plan development meeting.

ImSuperv → W


Discuss the possibilities of accommodation at work, in relation to the worker’s capacity and limitations.

RTWCoord → all

Communicate the RTW plan in writing to all relevant actors and indicate the specific date of the RTW.

RTWCoord, ImSuperv, UnionRep → co-workers

Inform co-workers of the worker’s disability so that they understand the implementation of work accommodations. It is important to respect the worker’s needs and preferences in terms of sharing and disclosure of information.

5.Resuming work (day 1)


Communication objective: To reassure the worker and inform him/her of the tasks he/she is expected to perform and the resources he/she can rely on.

ImSuperv→ W

Welcome the worker.

RH → W

Inform him/her of the organization’s resources.

ImSuperv → W

Inform on how to implement the RTW plan.a

ImSuperv → work team and W

Meet the colleagues concerned, as appropriate, to revive the work group based on the RTW plan.

RTWCoord → actors

Inform them of the RTW.

6.RTW follow-up (days, weeks following RTW resumption)

Communication objective: Ensuring a healthy and sustainable RTW (prevention)

ImSuperv →

Check in daily on the progress of the plan.

RTWCoord ↔ W ↔ ImSuperv

Keep up to date on the worker’s situation.

RTWCoord → other actors

  • Inform them of the worker’s progress against the RTW plan.
  • If the worker encounters difficulties, convene the relevant actors to re-evaluate the RTW plan.

RTWCoord, UnionRep, → W

Check in with him/her on his/her progress at work and reassure him/her throughout the process

AttPhys, HealthProf → W

Evaluate his/her health (relapse prevention), inquire about his/her progress at work and reassure him/her throughout the process

Actors of the organization → RTWCoord

Request a reassessment of the RTW plan, follow up on modifying the RTW plan if necessary, when the organization is no longer able to provide certain accommodations

Durand, M.-J., Corbière, M., Coutu, M.-F., Reinharz, D., & Albert, V. (2014). A review of best work-absence management and return-to-work practices for workers with musculoskeletal or common mental disorders. Work , 48(4), 579-589. doi: 10.3233/WOR-1414