Domain 1: Health |
Domain 2: Service Coordination |
Domain 3: Work modifications |
C.1.1 Programs incorporating physical activity/exercise or back school |
- Physical activity/exercise ? Endurance or strength training; functional restoration; physical conditioning
- Physical activity/exercise ? provided in the workplace or developed after a workplace visit and taking into account the workplace
- Health education
- Training in work techniques and lifting methods
- Managing the intensity and duration of physical activity/exercise with or without a workplace visit
- CBT*?
- Involvement of several qualified professionals
C.1.2 Programs incorporating work modifications |
- Physical activity/exercise?
- Education on physical health, relaxation and breaks
- Psychological health education
- Activity modification
- CBT* ?
- Contact of qualified personnel with the work environment
- Early contact with the worker through the workplace
- RTW coordinator
- Professional management with active participation of stakeholders, at least with the worker and the employer
- Meetings with occupational health staff, employee and employer
- Adjust the demands of work to match reduced capacity
- Changes in work location or equipment
- Work design and work organization
- Changes in working conditions or the working environment
- Modifications to ergonomic equipment
- Redesign of tools or the workstation
- Supernumerary replacement
C.1.3 Programs integrating multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary rehabilitation Interventions |
- Activité/exercice physique 🕇, conditionnement physique
- Éducation : formation à la gestion du stress, la douleur, l’anatomie humaine, école du dos 🕇
- Principes cognitivo-comportementaux pour aborder les facteurs psychosociaux, corriger les croyances dysfonctionnelles, enseigner la relaxation
- Organizational interventions: job visits, job conditioning, RTW coordinator
- Adjust the job demands to match reduced capacity
- Changes in work location or equipment
- Work design and work organization
- Changes in working conditions or the workplace environment
- Modifications to ergonomic equipment
- Redesign of tools or the workstation
- Supernumerary replacement
C.1.4 Programs incorporating occupational interventions with or without educational or clinical interventions |
- Education on physical health, relaxation and breaks
- Psychological health education
- Functional rehabilitation
- Graded work exposure therapy
C.1.5 Programs with integrated social support interventions |
- Therapeutic education on pain and the importance of being active (encourage activity or modify activity – activity modification)
- Improve organizational culture and stakeholder engagement for optimal management of RTW
- Communication and agreement between stakeholders
- Communication between stakeholders about work changes and arrangements
- Contact between qualified professionals and the workplace
- Structured consultation
- Coordination efforts by a designated coordinator or RTW team that coordinates services and communication among stakeholders
- Encourage and support rapid RTW
- Case Management
- Involvement of all stakeholders (including employers and qualified professionals)
- Customized RTW plan
- Accommodations (on a temporary basis, if needed)
- Facilitate RTW through temporary light duty assignments
- Ergonomic intervention
- Physical changes in the work environment
C.1.6 Cognitive therapies (cognitive behavioural therapy, behavioural treatment) |
- Physical activity/exercise?
- Physical and psychological health education
- Stress management education, communication skills
- Medication
- Cognitive restructuring (to change beliefs and attitudes)
- CBT* ?
- Provision of additional services, as required