Co-workers’ roles and responsibilities

  1. Maintain contact with the worker while absent (Tjulin, Maceachen, & Ekberg, 2011), with the worker’s permission.
  2. Participate, with the worker’s permission, in the allocation of tasks during the preparation of the RTW plan in consultation with the worker, manager, and coordinator, in order to more accurately estimate the impact of work accommodations on them (Tjulin et al., 2011)
  3. Participate in daily work adjustments during the employee’s RTW (Tjulin et al., 2011)
  4. Know your own work objectives during the worker’s absence and clarify your responsibilities with the manager if necessary (Corbière et al., 2020)
  5. Anticipate RTW by assessing with the manager the potential effects of work accommodations following the worker’s sick leave on the professional activity of team members (tasks, schedules, deadlines, etc.) (Corbière et al., 2020)
  6. Take note of the organization’s attendance management procedures and RTW program (Corbière et al., 2020)
  7. Notify the manager (or any other relevant actor) of any conflict or work environment issue that might have led to the worker’s sick leave (Corbière et al., 2020)