Appendix 4.D – Components of Effective Interventions for a CMD

Table D.1: Multi-component interventions encompassing two of the three target domains for healthy and sustainable RTW **

Domain 1: Health Domain 2: Service Coordination
D.1.1 Programs integrating multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary rehabilitation interventions
  • Physical activity/exercise? 🕇
  • Psychological interventions
  • Educational interventions
  • Organizational interventions

Table D.2 Health intervention **.

Domain 1: Health
D.2.1 Programs incorporating physical activity/exercise
  • Promotion of physical activity
D.2.2 Cognitive therapies (cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral treatment)
  • Problem identification and resolution
  • Early interventions
  • Brief therapies (up to eight weeks)
  • In-vivo exposure therapy (immersion)

Table D.3 Coordination Intervention***.

Domain 2: Service Coordination
D.3.1 Organizational interventions coupled with training interventions
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • Support and feedback
  • Communication skills

Référence :

Cullen, K. L., Irvin, E., Collie, A., Clay, F., Gensby, U., Jennings, P. A., . . . Amick, B. C. (2018). Effectiveness of workplace interventions in return-to-work for musculoskeletal, pain-related and mental health conditions: An update of the evidence and messages for practitioners. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 28(1), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10926-016-9690-x