Appendix 4.E – Components of effective interventions for overall worker health
Table E.1: Multi-component interventions encompassing two of the three target domains for healthy and sustainable RTW **
Domain 1: Health | Domain 2: Service Coordination |
E.1.1 Health promotion programs | |
Domain 2: Service Coordination | Domain 3: Work modifications |
E.1.2 Programs incorporating workplace accommodations | |
E.1.3 Programs incorporating organizational interventions | |
Table E.2: Health-focused Interventions***.
Domain 1: Health |
E.2.1 Programs incorporating physical activity/exercise |
Table E.3: Service coordination Interventions***.
Domain 2: Service Coordination |
E.3.1 Programs incorporating skills training |
E.3.2 Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary programs or interventions |
E.3.3 Supervision programs |